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You searched for pasajes en micro - Glassdoor for Employers, 03 Feb 2021 00:57:26 +0000en-GBhourly1's 2014 Recruiting Budget: Revealed<![CDATA[Steve Roop]]>Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Talent Acquisition]]><![CDATA[2014 Budget]]><![CDATA[Budget]]><![CDATA[Employer Branding Budget]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[Recruiting Budget]]><![CDATA[Recruiting Personnel Budget]]><![CDATA[Recruiting Programs]]><![CDATA[Recruiting Programs Budget]]><![CDATA[Talent Acquisition Budget]]><![CDATA[

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It’s 2015 planning time. It’s time to figure out your 2015 recruiting goals, strategies and tactics. It’s also time to nail down what budget and resources you need to hit those goals. And of course, you aren’t done until you’ve convinced your boss that your budget requests are reasonable! One thing that I’ve always done […]

The post Glassdoor's 2014 Recruiting Budget: Revealed appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.


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It’s 2015 planning time. It’s time to figure out your 2015 recruiting goals, strategies and tactics. It’s also time to nail down what budget and resources you need to hit those goals. And of course, you aren’t done until you’ve convinced your boss that your budget requests are reasonable!

One thing that I’ve always done in my career is to ask peers at other companies if they are comfortable sharing their budget spreadsheets and key strategies for the next year in a hope to understand:

  1. How their spend level correlates to the goals they are expected to achieve (e.g. # of hires, types of hires, cost per hire, # of hires per recruiter, % growth vs. previous year)
  2. If they are spending on new, innovative ideas or tools that I hadn’t yet considered
  3. How they allocate their spend between people, systems, programmes
  4. How they organise and track the budget categories

Many times these peers are unable to share their documents outside their company. Sometimes, the best they can do is to share the shell of their budget planning spreadsheet, but zero out the line items. It’s a reasonable compromise.

The result, however, is that it is common to go into budget planning with just your own historical data and planning models, and realise after the fact that youmay have missed some opportunities. When we started ramping our recruiting effort this year, I spent a few hours searching Google and Slideshare to see if anyone had shared their budget frameworks, but came up empty-handed. It’s a bummer when you miss something in planning and have to wait another whole year to invest in a high-impact programme that your peers are already doing.

Thus, I decided to share Glassdoor’s internal recruiting budget with you. If you run recruiting for a massive company, it probably won’t help you much and you may find it “cute.” But, in case you run recruiting for a rapidly growing small company with similar challenges, I hope it may help you both with your planning as well as help you with developing a compelling case with your boss for sufficient budget to hit your 2015 objectives.

By sharing this info, you may be able to poke holes in our budget allocation, tool selection and planning process - that’s ok with us - if there is a better way, we want to know.

A little context first on how we arrived at our 2014 recruiting budget.

Challenge #1: We needed to hire more than 200 people. And we had both high-volume and hard-to-fill positions.

We needed to hire roughly 50 software engineers, product managers, data scientists, and UI designers. These are typically the hardest-to-fill and most competitive positions in the SF bay area.

We needed to hire a CFO, Chief People Officer, and several sales leaders. These talented folks are also not easy to find.

All the while, we needed to scale our Glassdoor for Employers business and hire over 120 sales, marketing and service pros; the sheer volume of hiring was daunting.

Below is what we needed to accomplish, and so far we are on track!

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Challenge #2: 2014 was a building year for Glassdoor’s Recruiting team.

In prior years, Glassdoor had relied on small number of contract recruiters and thirdparty contingent search firms to assist the hiring managers. But given the constant hiring volume expected for 2014, we concluded that the best thing to do was bring on full-time recruiters for key job categories like Engineering, Sales, and G&A. We needed sourcers to support the recruiters and we needed recruiting operations folks to fine-tune our systems and processes. We needed to “walk the walk” and deliver a great candidate experience and hire a rockstar for Employer Branding to showcase our vibrant employer brand. We weren’t starting from scratch, but we had big, audacious goals and a huge amount of hiring to do each month. Thus, we had to build our foundation and deliver results to the hiring managers at the same time.

The Talent Acquisition Team – Before and After:

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From a budget perspective, here is how our resourcing plan for Recruiting team resulted in “fully burdened” personnel costs. As we built out our internal team between February and October, you will see that the investment in personnel costs did grow substantially from Q1 to Q4.

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Challenge #3: It had to happen fast. We didn’t have the luxury to first build our team and systems for a few months before starting hiring. We needed to build and execute. Thus, we needed amplify our brand and turn on all promising recruiting channels.

We needed a high quality candidate pipeline… and fast. We needed employee referrals, active candidates, passive candidates, re-lo candidates, pink unicorns - we needed them all. We needed some programmes that were “always on” – filling our candidate pipeline. We needed to let the world know that we had a lot of openings. We tested a bunch of different sources to see what would work best. We’re fortunate to be able to advertise all our jobs for free on our own site and it is our number one source of hire. Full disclosure: to tap into different talent pools, we also post some of our jobs on LinkedIn, Indeed, craigslist and niche job boards. We test a variety of things - some work, some don’t. Our goal is always to increase our investment in the things that work, and turn off those with a weak ROI.

As recruiters and hiring managers, we are also fortunate to have an amazing company culture. But, we needed to go further to amplify its impact. Post interview, we would hear from candidates that they loved the energy and vibe of the office environment and for the first time had been convinced that working north of the Golden Gate Bridge was a good idea. We thought to ourselves “if we can only get them to come into our office, they’ll see how great the culture is and want to join us.” So, we needed to have candidates’ “first moment of truth” and initial impression of Glassdoor to accelerate to the moment when they first become aware of our opening. We needed to invest in our employer brand and start sharing the inside scoop of what exactly it felt like to work at Glassdoor. For groups like Engineering and Sales, we decided to tailor the message via videos to better resonate with the target audience. There was a bunch we needed to do to achieve this, and it took a concentrated effort and investment. It wasn’t going to happen on its own.

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Note: in this budget, we included the cost of advertising on Glassdoor to give a fair depiction of a normal cost-per-hire (CPH).

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As a result of those programme investments, here are our “Source of Hire” metrics. You’ll see that Job Advertising and Employee Referral Programmes have been highly cost-efficient and have been strong contributors to our hiring results. For small, growing companies whose relative awareness with job seekers is minimal vs household names like Google and Facebook, it makes a great deal of sense to raise your awareness by promoting both your employer brand and jobs.

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There was a great deal of hustle required by all of the hiring managers as well as our growing recruiting team. When it came to Sales hiring, we knew that a delay in the start of any Sales hiring class would have an adverse affect on our top line revenue for 2014. We couldn’t let that happen. Our sales managers and sales recruiters wouldn’t let it happen and moved mountains to hit our hiring goals. In addition to tightly managing our sales candidate pipeline, we also added some sales recruiting events to create a spike in candidate flow. In general, the strategies worked and we are pretty happy with our time-to-hire. See our time-to-fill by department below.

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Challenge #4: Candidate use of mobile devices was taking off. Each month our mobile traffic was growing by 2% and eventually surpassed 50%.

We needed to invest in our recruiting systems to make our recruiting team as productive as possible. We wanted candidates coming from mobile devices to have a good experience and be able to apply for jobs with as little friction as possible. We wanted them to be able to read our employer branding content from any mobile device without having to “pinch and zoom.” We wanted all the candidate flow we could get and didn’t want 50% of our candidates to face a roadblock in the apply process. We implemented both a mobile optimised career site and “mobile apply” in mid-2014 to improve the candidate experience and applicant flow.

To help our sourcers, we also invested in a new breed of sourcing tools like Connectifier and extended our investment in the Jobvite platform by purchasing their CRM/Engage product.

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Challenge #5: Glassdoor’s HQ is in a beautiful waterfront location just north of San Francisco, but if you live in the South San Jose, it won’t be your “dream commute.”

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To hit our hiring goals, we needed to increase our addressable talent pool and needed SF/North Bay residents to know that Glassdoor is an up-and-coming employer that is close to home!

The good news is that Glassdoor is an amazing place to work. Our office environment is phenomenal and directly on the water in Sausalito. If you live in the SF bay area, it’s those two blue-roofed buildings on the water when you get off the Stinson Beach/Muir Woods exit on 101. It’s a dream commute if you live in the North Bay or in Pacific Heights/Marina. However, one of the recruiting challenges is that Sausalito isn’t exactly convenient if you are a software engineer in San Jose.

To help us attract talent, our Facilities team was able to get permission from our building to add a Glassdoor sign to the front of our building. Because we are right next to 101 freeway, candidates who commute to downtown SF and drive right by our office everyday will see our sign and should begin to consider Glassdoor. Our recruiting team also came up with a guerilla marketing tactic – they setup a free “coffee cart” next to the park-n-ride bus stop across from our building that takes commuters into SF.

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Our engineers came up with another great idea to expand our talent pool outside the highly competitive SF Bay Area. They came up with a way to allow our jobs to show up in job search results for other cities in the USA. See the example below. They also set up our jobs to highlight to job seekers on Glassdoor that relocation assistance was provided for certain jobs. This allowed us to tap into talent pools all across the country. Note: Because this was part of our strategy, we did include candidate travel and relocation costs in our overall budget.

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Summary 2014 Recruiting Budget & Goals:

All in all, it wasn’t an easy task, but with the total budget of £1.1M, we were able to hit our hiring goals and scale our Recruiting operations. While companies outside the SF Bay Area may look at a £4,600 CPH and not be impressed at all, it is a good target to shoot for if you are a startup in hyper-growth mode that is recruiting “hard-to-fill” positions. Do you want to learnmore about building a recruiting budget? Watch our webinar,How We Built our 2014 Budget.

I hope this information about our budget, team size, and recruiting tools is useful. If you have comments (or suggestions), feel free to contact me at Want the full Excel document? Download the full 2015 Recruiting Budget Template for Small & Mid-Sized Businesses now! It will help you set hiring goals, organise and track budget categories and model potential spending plan efforts.

I’d love to see others share their format and categories of their budget with the larger community as well. If you are willing to share it on the Glassdoor blog, please let me know and we’ll help you format the blog post.

The post Glassdoor's 2014 Recruiting Budget: Revealed appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

What is The Informed Candidate?<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Mon, 11 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[How To Use Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Employers]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Hiring]]><![CDATA[informed candidate]]><![CDATA[Job Search]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[

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Informed Candidates are the people you want – and recruiting them on Glassdoor saves employers time and money.

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Definition: The Informed Candidate is a person who is well-researched and engaged with your company, which means he or she will turn out to be the right fit and - once hired - get onboarded faster, exhibit greater productivity and stay at a job longer. Informed Candidates are also guaranteed to improve your bottom line by saving you time and money.

Every employer in the world wants to hire great people who stay productive and engaged. And every person wants to find a job they love. Unfortunately, great employees and a perfect job are difficult to find. Employers often have to sift through hundreds, if not thousands of applications searching for the perfect match. Job seekers become disappointed when they find out the company culture promoted on the company website is not actually a reality.

The aspirations of making a great hire and finding a perfect job are two sides of the same end-goal - and they become a reality for both employees and employers with Glassdoor. Here's why.

94% of today's UK job seekers want to be thorough and informed about all aspects of a company before accepting an offer (1). As one of the largest and fastest growing global job sites offering millions of employee reviews, company ratings, salary estimates and more, Glassdoor is where they go today. The 41M job seekers worldwide doing their research on Glassdoor every month are the Informed Candidates employers want - the ones who are well-researched, engaged and turn out to be the right fit.

These are the candidates you want. They're your slam-dunks, your big wins, the shining beacons of talent who will make you look great - and make your company's success skyrocket.

Recruiting these Informed Candidates on Glassdoor saves employers valuable time throughout the hiring process, reducing the number of unqualified resumes to sift through and speeding up time to fill. Once they're hired, they get onboarded faster, exhibit greater productivity, contribute to positive company culture, influence other great hires to come on board - and increase employee retention.

Where do you find Informed Candidates? Only on Glassdoor.

More Qualified Applicants

Reducing the number of unqualified CVs to sift through

Glassdoor has an Easier Hiring Process

The right candidates move through the funnel the fastest

Better Hires Who Stay Longer

No buyer's remorse due to wrong expectations

But why does Glassdoor work?

It's because the insights found on Glassdoor serve both candidates and employers by helping to demystify everything from company ratings and salaries to employee reviews, benefits and interview reviews.

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Glassdoor is at Every Stage of the Job Search

At the very top of the funnel - right when they're beginning their job search - candidates are becoming aware of open positions with targeted job posts on Glassdoor. At this stage, we ask for a little information, which helps us target the right job for them - job openings that match their skills and locale. When they move into the consideration phase, Glassdoor serves up reviews and ratings. Upon securing an interview, Glassdoor offers insight into the interview process with reviews from prior candidates. At the offer stage, candidates have visibility into benefits and salary information. And at the time of hire? People who have come through Glassdoor are 2X more likely to be hired because they're the right fit (2).

Glassdoor Saves Time

Any idea what the #1 reason why people come to the Glassdoor site is? Nope, it's not for company reviews; it's to search for jobs (3). In fact, nearly 8 out of 10 people in the UK on Glassdoor are actively looking for jobs or open to new opportunities (4). With an audience of 41-million Informed Candidates worldwide, that means fewer unqualified candidates, more engaged candidates - and twice the likelihood of making a hire (5).

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On Glassdoor, these Informed Candidates see:

Job Advertising

Attract Engaged Job Seekers

Display Advertising

Target Ideal Candidates

Enhanced Profile

Tell Your Company Story

Glassdoor has Informed Candidates of all kinds.

In every business sector, from tech and finance to healthcare, retail and manufacturing, companies of all sizes are turning to Glassdoor to find and hire Informed Candidates.

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Here are just a few companies who are amping up their hiring game with the help of Glassdoor.

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RevLocal is a digital marketing agency that provides local search marketing solutions for small businesses. Aaron Boggs, president of RevLocal, sees Glassdoor as "an amazing branding tool that helps us set proper expectations for roles and hire the right people. Glassdoor caused us to rethink our presence and branding across social media by reminding us to place ourselves in our candidates' shoes and posting content that matters to them." With Glassdoor, RevLocal was able to triple candidate awareness (6). They were also able to increase application clicks fifteen-fold and increase impressions for jobs by a factor of 30 - in just one year of partnering with Glassdoor (7).

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Forrester is one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world, where smart, motivated, curious people bring a diversity of opinions and the courage of their convictions to collaborate on ideas that change the course of business. By partnering with Glassdoor, Forrester was able to increase their candidate awareness by 325% (8). And Forrester was able to track 91% of their hires back to Glassdoor by asking candidates how they researched their employer brand. Else Ross, Employee Experience Specialist at Forrester says, "Glassdoor has become part of our common language. Glassdoor is an authentic way employees can take an active role in attracting and inspiring future colleagues. In doing so, they are making an immediate and meaningful impact on our brand."

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Railinc is a data, IT and information services company serving the North American freight rail system. It has close to 290 employees and a small, three-person HR team to sort through hundreds of CVs each month. After seeing 6X higher traffic on Glassdoor than LinkedIn, Patrick O'Neill, Director of Corporate Communications at Railinc, says "Glassdoor is a no brainer if you want to be in front of where candidates are doing their homework. Some platforms are optional, but you simply have to be on Glassdoor."

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The BusBank is a comprehensive group and event transportation management company headquartered in Chicago. They are the industry pioneer and leader in providing a single source for chartering a bus anywhere in North America. For a solid year, BusBank made 100% of its hires from Glassdoor (9), increasing candidate awareness by 75% (10). The company's Managing Director says, "With Glassdoor, we can easily manage our jobs. Candidates from CareerBuilder or LinkedIn just didn't seem to be good fits for us. But with Glassdoor, people can see our profile and get a sense of who we are and what we're looking for. Several of our customers have even told us they reviewed us on Glassdoor before deciding to do business with us. Glassdoor has been a fantastic resource for us."

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Base2 Solutions helps clients solve the toughest challenges in systems engineering, software development, program management and security. Through their whole systems approach, Base2 develops smart, creative answers to help clients in highly regulated industries, saving them time and money. By partnering with Glassdoor, Base2 was able to significantly decrease spend on hiring, including four extremely hard-to-fill hires, such as Technical PM, Senior Software Engineer, Software Technical Manager and Senior QA Engineer. And they were able cut hiring costs across the board to $1,500 (£1,157) cost-per-hire, which is less than half of the industry average. Anny Bly, a Senior Recruiter at Base2 says, "When we started with Glassdoor, we made our first hire within 30 days for a software developer role. Glassdoor quickly became our number one source for quality applicants, and we could not be more satisfied!"

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iCIMS, Inc., a leading provider of cloud-based talent acquisition solutions, announced that it has been named a Gold partner in Glassdoor's Preferred Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Partner Program. "iCIMS prides itself on providing strong partner integrations through iCIMS UNIFi, our Platform-as-a-Service framework, to enable our customers to manage and oversee all of their hiring technologies in one system of record," said Michael Wilczak, senior vice president of strategy and corporate development at iCIMS. "This partnership with Glassdoor adds further value to our mutual customers by providing recruiters with tools that enable them to better understand the candidate journey, the types of information influencing their job search and how candidates are making decisions."

(1) (e.g., culture, values, mission, business model, future plans, pros and cons about the workplace) (UK One Poll, May 2017)

(2) Based on app-to-hire ratios in a 2015 study of 30 million applicants from a leading third-party recruitment agency

(3) Site Survey, January 2016

(4) UK Site Survey, Sept 2016

(5) Based on app-to-hire ratios in a 2015 study of 30 million applicants from a leading third-party recruitment agency

(6) As measured by traffic to Glassdoor Enhanced Profile

(7) Since partnering with Glassdoor (Sept 2015-Jan 2016)

(8) Since partnering with Glassdoor (October 2012-May 2016)

(9) Busbank's hires from April 2015-May 2016

(10) Since partnering with Glassdoor (June 2015-May 2016)

The post What is The Informed Candidate? appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

5 Amazing Glassdoor Profiles — & What You Can Learn From Them<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 01 May 2019 05:08:02 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Employer Brand]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor Profile]]><![CDATA[Hiring]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[

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You know how important it is to be present on Glassdoor — but do you know what a strong Glassdoor presence actually looks like? While there’s no single recipe for success — what’s right for a tech startup might be totally different than what’s right for a financial institution, for example —there are a number […]

The post appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.


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You know how important it is to be present on Glassdoor — but do you know what a strong Glassdoor presence actually looks like? While there’s no single recipe for success — what’s right for a tech startup might be totally different than what’s right for a financial institution, for example —there are a number of different organisations out there that are leveraging their Glassdoor profiles to the fullest extent in their own unique ways.

Below, we’ve highlighted a few of our favourites, as well as some insight into why they work so well. Read on, and see how you can apply some of these strategies to your own profile!

Nando’s UK

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From the moment you look at their profile, Nando’s UK make it clear that they aren’t your typical casual dining restaurant. For one, the focus they put on their people is unparallelled in the industry. From the tagline up top declaring, “It’s the people that make the chicken” to employee spotlights, Nando’s clearly emphasise how much they care for their employees. Add to that colourful, eye-catching graphics, frequent updates and multiple references to professional development and career growth, and it’s no wonder why Nando’s employees are head over heels for this cheeky eatery.

[Related:Here’s What the Perfect Glassdoor Profile Looks Like]


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It’s no secret that Sky is one of the largest entertainment companies in Europe, and they certainly don’t hide that on their Glassdoor profile — mentions of their high-quality programming can be found throughout their profile. However, they do a great job of highlighting the diversity of roles available within the organisation, from technical positions to content and production jobs. Frequent mentions of the #LifeatSky hashtag encourages interested candidates to do more research, while a video of the stunning head office in Osterley featuring an atrium, cafe and bike station provides a great peek inside daily life at the company.


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It’s no longer just about the pay cheque —today’s employees want to feel that they are helping to make a real difference in the world. Knowing this, Unilever highlight the fact that they are a purpose-driven organisation throughout their Glassdoor profile, from a cover photo that promises “A better business. A better world. A better you.” to a section that shares their sustainability targets to a featured employee review stating that “I felt proud to work for Unilever and everything [it] stands for.” On top of that, Unilever do a great job of leveraging video and updates to share why employees love working there.


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Although Siemens was created in 1843, they’re still as innovative as ever, a fact which they make apparent in their Glassdoor profile through sleek visual branding, updates on their latest projects and a “Why Work for Us?” section that brands their employees as “Future Makers.” We especially love their featured video, in which employees describe what it’s really like working at Siemens.

[Related:Why Investing in Employer Brand Pays Off]


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Tech companies are known for having a work-hard, play-hard culture, and this is something that Skyscanner don’t shy away from. They talk about their cutting-edge technology and share articles from their engineering blog, but also make sure to emphasise the fun activities they offer, like video games and ping pong. Skyscanner also do a brilliant job of highlighting the many awards they’ve won, and include a variety of high-quality photos of their stunning office.

The post appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

Innovative Uses of Glassdoor Reviews and Ratings by Employers<![CDATA[Joe Wiggins]]>Tue, 23 May 2017 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[How To Use Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[BNP Paribas]]><![CDATA[glassdoor ratings]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor Reviews]]><![CDATA[homeserve]]><![CDATA[nandos]]><![CDATA[Recruitment Marketing]]><![CDATA[sap]]><![CDATA[unilever]]><![CDATA[

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Glassdoor has been active in the UK for around three years now, and in that time many employers have started to use our platform to advertise their jobs and manage their employer brand. Some of the more progressive companies have come up with really innovative ways to leverage their Glassdoor reviews for recruitment marketing purposes. […]

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Glassdoor has been active in the UK for around three years now, and in that time many employers have started to use our platform to advertise their jobs and manage their employer brand. Some of the more progressive companies have come up with really innovative ways to leverage their Glassdoor reviews for recruitment marketing purposes. In this post, we salute some of the best examples:


The restaurant chain recently launched a recruitment marketing campaign by advertising on the London Underground network, based all around reviews from its Glassdoor profile. This was the first time in the UK that an employer has used Glassdoor reviews in above-the-line advertising and it shows how powerful user-generated content can be when it comes to marketing a brand.

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Unilever is a big believer in transparency and the company has up with something unique. It has created two videos for its YouTube page and careers channel targeted at graduates. The videos focus on real employees currently on the Unilever Graduate Recruitment Scheme reading and discussing real Glassdoor reviews of the company and relating those comments to their own experiences.

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BNP Paribas

The French banking giant pulls in Glassdoor reviews and publishes the ratings on its careers page. Not only is this a great way of demonstrating that it is an employer that embraces transparency, it also allows candidates to potentially self-select out of a recruitment process before applying. This saves BNP Paribas a huge amount of time and money filtering and selecting the candidates with the best fit. Honourable mention should also go to AutoTrader, which does something similar, as does retailer Albert Heijn in the Netherlands. Other employers such as BP, Harrods, Yell and Holiday Extras also link to their Glassdoor profiles from their careers pages.

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HomeServe is a UK Best Place to Work and is not afraid to shout about it! The company goes further than most when it comes to promoting its Glassdoor award winand has rented a huge billboard in Walsall near its HQ.

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Glassdoor created a unique video with SAPto explain how and why SAP uses Glassdoor ratings and reviews to assess and improve its employer brand. In the video, Global Head of Employment Branding, Matthew Jeffery, explains how the SAP employment brand is one of authenticity and how Glassdoor is pivotal to that ethos. SAP uses the ratings to benchmark itself against its competitors and shares the Glassdoor data with the leadership team.

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These exciting examples of innovation show how employers are changing the way they promote themselves to potential employees. This is just the start!

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Introducing Candidate Messaging on Glassdoor<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Mon, 28 Oct 2019 13:06:30 +0000<![CDATA[Hiring & Recruiting]]><![CDATA[How To Use Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[

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To make hiring quality candidates more efficient, Glassdoor has launched Candidate Messaging, a new feature that empowers recruiters to initiate conversations with applicants to their job postings on Glassdoor. We have heard you loud and clear: directly connecting with candidates who match your job descriptions is essential. Glassdoor’s new Candidate Messaging feature allows you to […]

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To make hiring quality candidates more efficient, Glassdoor has launched Candidate Messaging, a new feature that empowers recruiters to initiate conversations with applicants to their job postings on Glassdoor. We have heard you loud and clear: directly connecting with candidates who match your job descriptions is essential.

Glassdoor’s new Candidate Messaging feature allows you to contact and manage your potential candidates in one place, so you can find a better match, faster. Send, receive, and review candidate messages all in one place for a more seamless experience. For job seekers, this new feature eliminates the “application black box” by allowing recruiters to speak directly to them. It’s a win-win.

How Candidate Messaging Works

In order to start messaging quality applicants, follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to your Candidates section of the Employer Center, and search for the candidate you want to message. Note: all new applicants and those with recent activity, such as messages, will display at the top of your Candidates list automatically.
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  2. Click either the “Show Messages” or “Send Message” links on the detailed candidate view.
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  3. Compose your message. You can format your text to customise your message and/or add files by clicking the paperclip icon.
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  4. Click Send.
  5. You will receive a copy of the message in your email inbox (the one linked with your Glassdoor account), and it will also remain in the Messages panel attached to the corresponding candidate in the Employer Center.
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  6. Candidates can respond to you directly from their email inbox.
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  7. You will receive responses from the candidate in both your email inbox and the Candidates section of the Employer Center.

Streamline Your Hiring Process

Messaging directly in the Employer Center is linked to your email address, so there’s no friction or need to switch back and forth between your Employer Center and your email. Whether you reply to candidates in the platform or via email, you’ll have all of your messages in one place for easy reference, plus seamless notifications will draw your attention to new messages. You and your team can craft your own messages, include subject lines and attachments to promote your unique employer brand. Then, candidates can respond directly to your message in their email. You’ll be notified in both the employer center and email. Finding a match and hiring has never been so efficient.

Do not lose quality candidates to the competition. Proactively reach out with Candidate Messaging to efficiently hire the candidates of tomorrow.

As of October 2019, Candidate Messaging is available to all employers using Easy Apply. Have feedback for us? Please do Contact Us with feedback!

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7 Perfect April Fool's Day Office Pranks<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 29 Mar 2017 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[News and Events]]><![CDATA[april fools]]><![CDATA[Employees]]><![CDATA[office]]><![CDATA[office culture]]><![CDATA[office pranks]]><![CDATA[

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Work wins are usually measured by their ability to foster collaboration, beat goals, close deals, exceed standards, crush numbers, gain allies, and command respect. But once a year—usually on 1 April—work wins are measured in the ability to foster secrecy, serve up surprise, invoke laughter, and maybe even inspire some sweet revenge. This year, 1 […]

The post 7 Perfect April Fool's Day Office Pranks appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.


You searched for pasajes en micro (47)

Work wins are usually measured by their ability to foster collaboration, beat goals, close deals, exceed standards, crush numbers, gain allies, and command respect. But once a year—usually on 1 April—work wins are measured in the ability to foster secrecy, serve up surprise, invoke laughter, and maybe even inspire some sweet revenge. This year, 1 April is a Saturday, so we say: celebrate on Friday, 31 March. Unsuspecting colleagues will be that much more likely to be surprised, so set your calendar reminder now!

Whether your team is coming together to engineer a large-scale gag or pull off a simple trick or two, that exercise in camaraderie will serve to boost morale, build teamwork, and provide some much-needed comedic relief.

There are a tonne of ideas for workplace April Fools’ pranks all over the internet, but we’ve compiled a curated list—if you will—for connoisseurs. These 7 fresh tricks hit the sweet spot of being creative yet still easy-to-pull off. After all, the stapler-in-jelly routine is so last year—and it’s far too much work to encase an entire workstation in plastic, foil or wrapping paper.

1.) Laugh-till-you-cry over spilled milk…

Credit: Instructables

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2.) Hey, everyone! Doughnuts in the kitchen – dig in!


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3.) Work fridge is watching you! Hands off my almond milk…

Credit: Reddit

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4.) Sit down like you mean it! The next iteration of “leaning in”?

Credit: Reddit

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5.) Who wouldn’t want to attend THIS meeting?!

Credit: Imgur

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6.) Finally a winning reason for hoarding supply-room Post-its!

Credit: Reddit

You searched for pasajes en micro (53)

7.) So awkward when you really have to go…

Credit: Buzzfeed

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You searched for pasajes en micro (55)

Did we miss any favourites? Please weigh in on your best office April Fool’s day antics!

The post 7 Perfect April Fool's Day Office Pranks appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

Employer Branding: How Some Employers Do It Right & Others Do It Wrong<![CDATA[Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter]]>Wed, 14 Aug 2019 23:21:15 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[How To Use Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Branding]]><![CDATA[

You searched for pasajes en micro (56)

An employer brand may be defined as the reputation your company has accrued with current, past and future employees based on specific, proactive actions they’ve taken. Anemployer brand ishow you market your company to job seekers. It’s how you present yourself—and how you respond to those who leave reviews about you. As well, your brand […]

The post appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.


You searched for pasajes en micro (57)

An employer brand may be defined as the reputation your company has accrued with current, past and future employees based on specific, proactive actions they’ve taken.

Anemployer brand ishow you market your company to job seekers. It’s how you present yourself—and how you respond to those who leave reviews about you.

As well, your brand may be shaped by inaction or being unaware of behaviors impacting what employees think about you.

The value of having a strong and positive employer brand is that you improve the odds of attracting not only right-fit talent, but also that your employees will align their messaging with yours, pulling your brand message forward.

Conversely, a negative employer brand has the potential to repel good talent, narrowing your pipeline and ultimately, diminishing your competitiveness within the marketplace.

Doing It Right: Verizon

For such a large, global brand, Verizon also magnifies their local and personalized presence, with finesse. For example, you can visit them on virtually any social channel, and it appears everyone is being engaged, from their chief-executive leadership to their more hands-on operators.

EVP and Group CEO,Tami Ewinis one of the leaders at the helm ensuring this steady employer branding ship. She regularly posts to promote individuals and groups of Verizon team members engaged in both customer-focused and community-centered initiatives. She traverses various social media streams, weaving in both herprofessionalandpersonalvoice.

In addition to congratulating team members for outstanding contributions and results, Erwin also showcases diverse, current-event content that aligns with the powerful Verizon brand and mission. Moreover, Erwin’s knack for integrating her own narrative into publishedarticlesfurther tailors her executive brand while injecting the same personal touch into the overall Verizon brand.

RELATED:How Employer Branding Can Solve Your Recruiting Challenges

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You searched for pasajes en micro (59)

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On Glassdoor, Verizon’s Brand Perpetuates

This includes a branded company page that not only boasts more than 20,000 reviews and 206 photos, but also includes a robustOverviewand active Company Updates section sharing stories of specific employees and how Verizon benefits have enhanced their lives.

Deepening Verizon’s employer brand is a fully fleshed out Why Work for Us section that includes robust detail on five subsections focused on 1) Your Career 2) Our People 3) Campus 4) Veterans and 5) Benefits. This tailored overview helps distinguish Verizon’s employer brand from other companies who, for example, may not take such an interest in Veterans. Verizon’s motto is: "We don’t just thank service members. We hire them."

A featured photo denotes an employee sitting atop a skyscraper apparently working on his latest project. This powerful image is complemented by an energizing description of the Verizon mission to "connect millions of people, companies and communities with our powerful technology every day … using our award-winning network to make breakthroughs … "You searched for pasajes en micro (61)

Moreover, they feature a current employee’s review, with the subject line, “Cool, calm and fun,” as an invigorating lead-in to the thousands of other reviews.

RELATED: The New Employer's Centre: How It Works

Doing It Wrong

It is easy to identify employer branding gone wrong. For example, those companies marginally represented or totally absent from any of the major social networking sites are not doing it well. It is not enough today to rely solely on your company website. In fact, that is not where many job-seeking candidates go first – or even at all – to do their company research.

Even small or mid-sized companies are expected to show up and engage on social media in today’s digitally connected world, and your “Connect with” buttons should lead employees and future employees to a cohesively branded network of content and images.

Glassdoor makes it easy for employers to dip their toes into the water of employer branding by offering a free profile.

This easy-to-access opportunity enables real-time marketing of your company’s value spurring your blank-slate blah to an engagingly branded profile. There are prompts to list your company website, location, industry and logo, as well as your CEO’s name.

The complimentaryprofilealso offers anAbout Your Company sectionwhere you can discuss yourwhyandwhatto job seekers, along with your mission statement, key benefits, perks and more. Free status updates and a place to showcase targeted and illustrative photos that demonstrate your company’s culture, also are available here.

Additionally, if someone interacts with your company on any of the sites on which you post your profile, atimely responseis expected.

For smaller companies, where continual interaction may be more onerous, consider including messaging on your profile that indicates your typical response time; e.g., two, four, 24 hours (or, whatever amount of time makes sense).

Managing expectations and consistency is crucial to an effective social networking presence and thus, a more polished employer brand.

RELATED:Glassdoor Gives Employees a Voice — Here’s Why You Should Listen to It

Poor Employer Branding Tactics

This occurs when position descriptions,company missionstatements and other marketing content on your company website and social networking profiles are incongruent to the reality once employees come aboard.

The negative message quickly gets out. Searing opinions appear asreviews on Glassdoorand other social networking sites. They also are discussed during behind-closed-door conversations that disgruntled employees have with their friends.

Moreover, notresponding to negative reviews on Glassdoorwill diminish your employer brand, over time. Even if the review was unsubstantiated, showing you care enough about your employees to respond to specific criticism of your brand may help to turn lemons into lemonade. This may include specific actions your leadership has taken to resolve the situation or concern, going forward.

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The Right Way to Ask Your Employees for Feedback

The post appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

5 Reasons Your Interviews Are Taking Too Long<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 26 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Talent Acquisition]]><![CDATA[Candidates]]><![CDATA[company size]]><![CDATA[Hiring]]><![CDATA[Interviews]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[screening process]]><![CDATA[Time-to-Hire]]><![CDATA[

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Does it feel like the candidate interview process is taking an increasingly longer time? It’s not your imagination. A new Glassdoor Economic Research report titled “Why is Hiring Taking Longer?” by Glassdoor Chief Economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain found that the hiring process, based on candidate feedback, is now taking 3.3 to 3.7 days longer than […]

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Does it feel like the candidate interview process is taking an increasingly longer time? It’s not your imagination. A new Glassdoor Economic Research report titled “Why is Hiring Taking Longer?” by Glassdoor Chief Economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain found that the hiring process, based on candidate feedback, is now taking 3.3 to 3.7 days longer than it did in 2010.

Now the big question is: why? Here we dig into the reportto help recruiters and employers understand what maybe hindering the hiring process, what may be within theircontrol to improve and what may be a bigger problem to address.

Below are five reasons why your candidate interviews are taking too long:

1. Your screening process

While every employer is worried about making a bad hire, especially given that the U.S. Department of Labor reports that the average cost of a bad hire can equal 30 percent of that individual’s first year potential earnings, it is important to question just how much each step in your interview process is really helping or hurting when it comes to finding the right hire.

For example, a phone interview can mean the interview process takes a candidate 6.8 to 8.2 days, and a 1:1 interview adds another 4.1 to 5.3 days.

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Interestingly, the report shows that hiring is taking longer today than in 2010 due to a rise in particular screening methods. For example, 25% of job seekers reported having a background checks as part of the interview process where as in 2014 more than two in five (42%) candidates reported this screening method. Other interview methods that have grown recently include skills tests (16 percent in 2010 to 23 percent in 2014), drug tests (13 percent in 2010 to 23 percent in 2014)and personality tests (12 percent in 2010 to 18 percent in 2014).

2. Your office location

All cities are not equal when it comes to the hiring process from the candidate perspective. In fact, when we compared U.S. cities, the longest hiring processes are in Washington, D.C. (34.4 days). Close behind is Portland (25.3 days), Seattle (25.0 days), San Jose (24.8 days) and San Francisco (23.7) – all major technology hubs. The shortest interview processes are in Miami (18.6 days), Phoenix (19.1 days), Orlando (19.3 days), Austin (19.6 days) and Tampa (20.2 days).

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3. Your industry

The report shows that industries also have an impact when it comes to the speed in which a candidate progresses through the interview process. As Chamberlain writes, “Some types of employers take much longer to screen job candidates than others, both in the U.S. and around the world. Government employers (which include various local, state and federal agencies) consistently hire most slowly,ranging from 49 days in Australia to 60 days in the U.S. At the opposite endof the spectrum, franchise employers (which include many retail and fast food establishments) have the shortest hiring processes by far, ranging from 8 days in Australia and the U.S. to 13 days in the United Kingdom.”

4. Your company size (based on number of employees)

No surprise, the report also showed that the larger the employer the longer the hiring process. Chamberlain cites larger employers typically have sharper division of labour, hiring more specialised and technical workers that require more careful screening of applicants. Larger organisations also typically face more bureaucracy, which in turns impacts hiring time.

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5. Your open jobs

Veteran recruiters know hiring times can vary significantly by position. The report highlights that hiring for police officers, patent examiners or assistant professors take the longest, whereas hiring for server/bartenders, entry-­level account managers and dishwashers take the shortest.

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There are several important takeaways for recruiters from this report. First, recognise there are some factors, like evaluating the effectiveness and necessity of screening methods, within your control that can help improve the application­-to ­hire-process. Second, recruiters can and should set realistic expectations with candidates, management and peers early on regarding how long the interview process should take once a candidate applies.

If you want to understand what’s working and what’s not about your interview process, test out Glassdoor’s recruiting and employer branding solutions, which offer a wealth of insights specific to your company. For example, you can learn how candidates rate your interview experience, including difficulty and what stands out, plus your job offer acceptance rate. All this will give you a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t in your recruiting and hiring process. After all, who doesn’t want more qualified candidates and a better overall experience for those candidates!

Learn more about what Glassdoor can do for you by claiming your Glassdoor profile with a Free Employer Account.

The post 5 Reasons Your Interviews Are Taking Too Long appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

How Thinking Like a Jobseeker Can Help You Recruit<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Tue, 04 Jun 2019 05:01:14 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Hiring & Recruiting]]><![CDATA[Industry Trends]]><![CDATA[Hiring]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[

You searched for pasajes en micro (68)

Job seekers today are operating in an era of unprecedented transparency, where detailed information on nearly every organisation is available right at their fingertips. Informed candidates know this, and use it to their advantage. That's why they turn to websites like Glassdoor to evaluate companies, researching things like compensation, benefits, company reputation, career opportunities and […]

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You searched for pasajes en micro (69)

Job seekers today are operating in an era of unprecedented transparency, where detailed information on nearly every organisation is available right at their fingertips. Informed candidates know this, and use it to their advantage. That's why they turn to websites like Glassdoor to evaluate companies, researching things like compensation, benefits, company reputation, career opportunities and more.

By knowing which destinations job seekers visit most for this information, you can better determine where to post your listings and company information. And understanding what type of information job seekers want most can help you communicate with candidates more strategically.

Glassdoor, in conjunction with The Harris Poll, surveyed more than 700 UK adults in 2018 who are either currently employed or not employed but looking for work.

This survey revealed essential information about job seekers' 4-step journey, including:

  • Where job seekers look for jobs
  • Where job seekers look for company information
  • What information job seekers want most
  • Factors that entice job seekers to apply

The survey also uncovered:

  • Biggest frustrations for UK workers and job seekers during the hiring process
  • What makes candidates pull out of the recruitment process
  • What constitutes a positive candidate experience
  • Gender differences in how men and women look for jobs

STEP 1:Where Job Seekers Look for Jobs

Our survey found that the majority of UK job seekers are taking control of their own destiny by accessing unbiased information to find the right job and employer.

In fact, roughly half of employees (52%) report that their preferred source for finding a relevant new job opportunity is an online job site, such as Glassdoor. In comparison, only 35% of job seekers reference a company's careers site.

Other preferred sources for finding a new job include:

  • Job recommendations from friends (32%)
  • Having a recruiter or hiring manager proactively reach out (31%)
  • Recruitment agency (24%)


Glassdoor sees 57 million unique visitors each month;171% of UK users say they come to Glassdoor for their job search.2Searching for jobs is the number one reason UK users visit Glassdoor.

STEP 2:Where Job Seekers Look for Company Info

The best candidates will take the time to research your organisation to determine compatibility. Knowing where they seek information will help you decide where to post information about your company and jobs.

Our data found that the majority of job seekers prefer to find company information in the same place they sought job listings: on job search websites like Glassdoor, rather than company career pages.

Candidates also referenced the following for company information:

  • Job search websites (48%)
  • Word of mouth (41%)
  • Professional networking sites/social media (31%)
  • Personal networking (29%)
  • Company careers pages (28%)


Informed candidates are the best candidates. That's because they take time to research your organisation and understand the role before applying - making your hiring process easier, faster and less expensive.

Informed candidates who use Glassdoor are two times more likely to be hired3and have a 30% higher retention rate than job seekers from other sources.4

STEP 3: Information Job Seekers Want the Most

Now that you have insight into where job seekers look for information, it's equally important to understand what type of information candidates hone in on when researching jobs.

Our survey uncovered key pieces of information job seekers want about potential roles. Be sure to include the following in your job postings:

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An employer brand is essential for recruiting success: nearly 70% of Glassdoor users say they are more likely to apply to a job if an employer actively manages its employer brand.5

Boost your brand on Glassdoor by providing candidates with company background and an accurate, compelling depiction of your employer brand. Insert photos, videos and company updates to create an emotional connection that will inspire them to apply.

STEP 4: Factors that Entice Job Seekers to Apply

Once candidates have gathered enough information about your company, what makes them hit the apply button?

Our data found the following factors are most likely to get them to complete your application process:

  • Convenient, easy commute (48%)
  • Good work-life balance (47%)
  • Company culture (35%)
  • Healthy company financial performance (25%)
  • Familiarity with the brand (24%)


Job seekers looking at a company's profile on Glassdoor pay close attention to ratings and reviews, which can significantly influence whether or not they choose to move forward in the application process.

In fact, 84% of job seekers state that it's very important when making a decision about where to apply for a job.6So if your company hasn't been taking its employee reviews seriously, now is a good time to start.

What are workers and job seekers' biggest frustrations during the hiring process?

Throughout the UK, demand for talent remains strong and shows few signs of slowing. It's more vital than ever to remove all obstacles from your hiring process and to start listening to candidates in order to improve the candidate experience.Job seekers' biggest frustrations include:

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What makes candidates pull out of the recruitment process?

Our survey found that the top factor that makes candidates pull out of the recruitment process is the employer announcing redundancies (40%).Other factors include:

You searched for pasajes en micro (72)

What creates a positive candidate experience?

When asked what constitutes a positive candidate experience, more than half (53%) of UK workers and job seekers said that getting feedback from the company, even if they were not successful, is what they really want.Other factors include:

You searched for pasajes en micro (73)

How do male and female job seekers differ?

Our data revealed that men and women differ in how they research jobs and what is most important to them when considering a new opportunity. For added perspective, Glassdoor has nearly 57 million unique users each month: women make up 51% and men 49%.

  • Work-Life Balance:

A higher number of women, compared to men indicated that a company's reputation for offering a good work-life balance would make them more likelyapply to a job.

  • Employee Reviews:

In comparison to men, we found that a larger portion of women consider employee reviews a key piece of information when researching companies.

  • Preferred Source for Finding a New Job:

Women, preferred to find a job via an online job site. Similarly, more women, compared to men would prefer to find out about a job opportunity through a friend.


  • Promote your employer brandalongside the user-generated information that candidates trust most
  • Optimise your recruiting strategieswith powerful analytics


This survey was conducted online within the UK by The Harris Poll on behalf of Glassdoor between May 7-9, 2018 among 715 UK adults ages 18+ who are employed full-time/part-time/self-employed, or not employed but looking for work. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contactJoe Wiggins.

The post How Thinking Like a Jobseeker Can Help You Recruit appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

How Glassdoor Reviews Impact Customer Satisfaction<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Sun, 18 Aug 2019 23:05:38 +0000<![CDATA[Employee Engagement]]><![CDATA[Employee Retention & Benefits]]><![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[Employee Satisfaction]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor Reviews]]><![CDATA[

You searched for pasajes en micro (74)

If you’re in recruiting or HR, you already know how business-critical it is for companies tocultivate a strong company cultureand positive working environment. Sometimes, though, when senior leadership’s main focus is on NPI scores, sales and revenue, employees end up taking a backseat to customers. But a new Glassdoor Economic Research report,Happy Employees, Satisfied Customers: […]

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You searched for pasajes en micro (75)

If you’re in recruiting or HR, you already know how business-critical it is for companies tocultivate a strong company cultureand positive working environment. Sometimes, though, when senior leadership’s main focus is on NPI scores, sales and revenue, employees end up taking a backseat to customers. But a new Glassdoor Economic Research report,Happy Employees, Satisfied Customers: The Link Between Glassdoor Reviews & Customer Satisfaction, suggests that organizations hoping to win over customers should consider investing in their own employees first.

The Employee/Customer Satisfaction Connection

In the study, Chief Economist Dr. Andrew Chamberlain and Senior Economist & Data Scientist Daniel Zhao looked at a panel of 293 large employers across 13 industries between 2008 and 2018, comparing the link between employee satisfaction through Glassdoor reviews and customer satisfaction through the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).

The results?

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Chamberlain and Zhao discovered that each 1-star improvement in an employer’s Glassdoor company rating out of 5 is associated with a 1.3-point increase in customer satisfaction out of 100.

“Across all companies and years, customer and employee satisfaction are positively linked. In our sample, there is a clear overall link between satisfied employees and happy customers,” the report says.

Higher Customer Contact, Higher Impact

The connection between customer and employee satisfaction was not equal across all sectors, however. In industries where front-line employees directly interact with customers, employee satisfaction had an even bigger impact on customer satisfaction.

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“Focusing only on sectors where front-line employees have the most direct and frequent contact with customers — including retail; restaurants, bars and food services; travel and tourism; financial services; andhealth care— we find the effect of satisfied workers on customer satisfaction is more than twice as strong, with each 1-star higher Glassdoor rating predicting 3.2 points higher customer satisfaction,” the report says.

It might come as no surprise, then, that the satisfaction of employees in front-line roles like sales and customer service directly impacts customer satisfaction, regardless of industry — it’s not easy to provide good service if you’re unhappy at work!

You searched for pasajes en micro (78)You searched for pasajes en micro (79)

RELATED:See How Glassdoor Reviews Impact Customer Satisfaction in Your Industry

How Customer & Employee Satisfaction Drive Financial Performance

So it’s clear that employee satisfaction is closely tied to customer satisfaction — but how does that actually affect your business’s bottom line? By leveraging a2006 studypublished in the Journal of Marketing that associated ACSI customer satisfaction score with stock market performance, Chamberlain and Zhao were able to estimate how an increase in employee satisfaction translates to financial gain.

“While the statistical impact of higher Glassdoor ratings on customer satisfaction appears small on the surface, there are potentially large financial gains to employers from improving workplace morale among customer-facing employees,” the study says. “Based on one recent estimate, each 1 percent increase in customer satisfaction is linked to 4.6 percent higher company market values. That translates into a predicted boost in company market valuations of 7.8 to 18.9 percent for each 1-star improvement in overall rating on Glassdoor — a potentially large financial boost from better customer satisfaction via an improvement in employee morale.”

If your company wants to reap the benefits of higher employee satisfaction, the following suggestions are a great start:

  • Get the executive team on board. Use data and research toconvince senior leadershipof the importance of investing in employee culture. Not only can buy-in from executives provide additional budget — it can be felt throughout the whole company. Remember, culture is often top-down.
  • Check in with employees.You won’t know what your employees want if you don’t ask them. So whether you use an employee engagement platform or just a Google Forms questionnaire, it’s worth asking employees how satisfied they are, what they like and what you can improve. Make sure to act on their insight and check in with them again at a later point so you can measure your progress.
  • Invest in career paths.A recent Glassdoor study found that access to career opportunities is one ofthe top three factorsthat influence employee satisfaction, so if you don’t already, make sure that career paths are clearly laid out at your company. Incorporate transparency around what the next level looks like, and how employees can get there. You may even want to consider establishing a process for lateral moves within your organization.

RELATED:Employee Engagement Checklist & Calendar

At fast-paced organizations where the bottom line is constantly in mind, it’s easy for the organization to adopt a “customer-obsessed” mindset. But too often, focusing on customers comes at the expense of creating agreat employee experience— something that can have a material impact on customer satisfaction and, ultimately, revenue. As the founder of the Virgin Group Richard Branson once said, “if you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple.”

Read the Full Study:

The Link Between Glassdoor Reviews & Customer Satisfaction

The post How Glassdoor Reviews Impact Customer Satisfaction appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

5 CEO Responses on Glassdoor Worth Reading<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 02 Sep 2015 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employee Engagement]]><![CDATA[Top CEOs]]><![CDATA[Accuquote]]><![CDATA[Feedback]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Kareo]]><![CDATA[Responding to Reviews]]><![CDATA[reviews]]><![CDATA[Sprout Social]]><![CDATA[Wildflower Bread Company]]><![CDATA[

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CEOs: have you thought about responding to your company's Glassdoor reviews? Taking the time to respond to your employees' feedback is worth it. Top 3 reasons Appreciation. It's important to take time to thank your employees. Reputation. You are the kind of leader that values feedback and implements change, and this is a great way […]

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CEOs: have you thought about responding to your company's Glassdoor reviews? Taking the time to respond to your employees' feedback is worth it.

Top 3 reasons

  1. Appreciation. It's important to take time to thank your employees.
  2. Reputation. You are the kind of leader that values feedback and implements change, and this is a great way to prove it
  3. Employee Retention. It's been proven that responding to reviews not only shows potential job candidates (aka future employees) what kind of leader you are, it also shows your current employees that you value them.

Where to start

We've published countless eBooks and guides to help you respond to reviews in a timely and appropriate way. We also help you better manage negative reviews, as we believe they're good for business. Feel free to check out Responding to Reviews Builds Trust With Your Candidates and Don't Fear the Review: 3 Reasons Bad Reviews are Good for Business, plus our "Getting Started" tab, which contains frequently asked questions about responding to Glassdoor reviews.

But don't just take it from us! See how other CEOs are already responding to their Glassdoor reviews. You'll notice that common themes include: thanking employees, being transparent, responding promptly, welcoming all feedback and promoting the positive in a way that enhances both your personal and employer brand. To help you out, we've picked a few of our favourite CEO responses on Glassdoor for guidance!

Best practices for responding to Glassdoor reviews

1. Respond promptly (monthly or quarterly). Note, in this response from Wildflower Bread Company CEO Louis J. Basile Jr., that even though he was slightly delayed in responding, he acknowledges his tardiness upfront and openly:

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2. Welcome all feedback. Sprout Social CEO Justyn Howard "values and considers all feedback":

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3. Address specific issues. In this response from our very own CEO Robert Hohman, he touches on specifics such as the new comp plan and sales model at Glassdoor:

You searched for pasajes en micro (84)

4. Be considerate. Kareo Medical Office Software for Small Practices CEO Dan Rodrigues understands the value of employee reviews and thoughtfully tackles tough issues in a transparent and kind way:

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5. Promote the positive. Accuquote CEO Byron Udell responds to Glassdoor reviews and not only tackles the negative points gracefully, but also acknowledges the positive to balance out his responses:

You searched for pasajes en micro (86)

Get started now!

Signing up for a Glassdoor Free Employer Account is the easiest way to start responding to reviews today. With a Free Employer Account, you can see who's viewing your profile, update your company info and start responding to reviews. You can also build a better brand through highlighting your awards, photos, benefits & perks, influence job candidates by joining the conversation & responding to reviews, and turn analytics to your advantage by using intelligence to improve your recruiting strategy.

Signing up is easy - unlock your Glassdoor Free Employer Account and start responding to Glassdoor reviews today!

The post 5 CEO Responses on Glassdoor Worth Reading appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

Glassdoor Recruit Screening 2017 Roundup<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 27 Sep 2017 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[News and Events]]><![CDATA[Event]]><![CDATA[glassdoor recruit]]><![CDATA[london]]><![CDATA[panel]]><![CDATA[

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Authenticity and transparency were the reigning themes at the first Glassdoor Recruit screening event in London on 19th September, 2017.

The post Glassdoor Recruit Screening 2017 Roundup appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.


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Authenticity and transparency were the reigning themes at the first Glassdoor Recruit screening event in London on 19th September, 2017.

Appearing on livestream at the event, United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz simply said, “Swing easy”, when asked to share his key piece of business advice. Borrowing the sports term from golf and tennis pros, Munoz explained that many times in business we’re instructed not to be ourselves and feel immense pressure to fit the company mould. Though in order to succeed, it’s essential that we embrace authenticity, play to our natural strengths and abilities, and never change who we really are.

Hundreds of recruiting, talent acquisition and HR professionals attended the Glassdoor event on winning the “informed candidate” and over 7,000 from around the globe tuned in to the livestream of the main Recruit Event happening concurrently in Chicago, where Munoz was the keynote.

Hosted in the heart of London’s Soho neighbourhood at a designer boutique hotel, guests first enjoyed afternoon coffee and tea while networking with peers, before settling into a private cinema for a livestream of the Chicago event. There was also a dynamic live panel of local industry leaders from the Co-op, Boots and Colt Technology.

Welcome, from Glassdoor CEO, Robert Hohman

Glassdoor CEO Robert Hohman gave a warm welcome to everyone in Chicago and to those watching in London and throughout the world. He then outlined how recruiting has evolved throughout the four industrial revolutions, and spoke to why now, more than ever before, transparency is so critical.

He explained why an informed candidate is by definition highly engaged, well-researched and has the right expectations – they have the passion to work at YOUR company and toward YOUR mission.

Hohman then discussed an important new Glassdoor survey (1), which revealed that 76% of hiring decision makers say attracting quality candidates is their number one challenge. The survey also showed that 3 in 4 recruiters report challenges with passive candidates – the saturation and noise received by passive candidates means they often tune recruiters out. The survey also found that 9 in 10 recruiters agree an informed candidate is in fact a quality candidate. An informed candidate – like those who do their research on Glassdoor – are actually 2X more likely to be hired.

Next Up, Winning with Informed Candidates Live Panel

Following Hohman’s welcome, guests heard a live panel of industry experts where Jon Ingham, leading people and organisation development strategist, kicked off the conversation by asking each panelist to share their top tips for attracting, recruiting and retaining informed candidates in the UK, which now has a 4.3% unemployment rate – the lowest since 1975.

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Daryle Sutcliffe, Candidate Marketing Manager at Co-op discussed the challenges and ROI of her organisation’s recent rebrand, which went back to the basics, focusing on the original core values of the members owned company. While rebranding, employees were asked to share what they love most about working at the Co-op, what they find most challenging and what makes makes a “Co-op” person.

The Co-op’s rebrand embraced transparency and authenticity on all levels. The company’s mantra is: Be Yourself Always. Sutcliffe added that, “It’s fine to be honest with candidates all the way through the process.”

Hiring managers are encouraged to have candid conversations with candidates about the company and job – both the strengths and pitfalls – to avoid hiring the “wrong fit”, who is bound to resign after a few months, costing the company valuable time and money. Sutcliffe cited Glassdoor as an essential tool for recruiting the right candidates, who are informed and have realistic expectations of the Co-op from the start.

She also talked about the shift in recruiting and hiring, which now focuses more on behaviour, rather than skills and experience to promote ‘diversity of thought’. What’s most important, she said, is to find someone who is a “Co-op person” – candidates who truly align with the company’s mission and are prepared for the challenges ahead.

Vicki Saunders, Digital and Campaign Manager - Recruitment at Boots, talked about her shifting role over her 13-year journey at the household name established in 1849. She discussed why the consumer experience and candidate experience can’t be separated, as both are greatly influenced by the organisation’s brand.

“You must be incessantly inquisitive about candidates,” she said, discussing the importance of sending job seekers the right signals at the right time. “You have to look at the whole journey of the candidate experience, consider where they are when they’re thinking about your brand.”

She also explained the importance of measuring the ROI of brand marketing with rigour. “You have to really dig down to the granular level to determine what’s working best. It’s not just about whether Facebook performs better than Twitter.”

Finally, Saunders discussed the challenges of changing consumers’ and candidates’ limited perception of Boots, a diverse super brand that’s much more than just a chain of high street pharmacies. For recruiting purposes, how does one tell the brand’s whole story and showcase all of the amazing career opportunities it has to offer?

One way is through authentic content on their careers page, which currently features The People Story, a series of blogs written by Boots’ people, about their people.

Craig Hunter, Global Recruitment Director at Colt Technology, discussed the company’s relatively recent endeavour into creating brand affinity. Like Boots, they’ve also started to develop authentic content, such as their Working at Colt video on their careers page, which received 2K views and has done a great job of attracting top candidates.

He also talked about the shift in hiring “culture fits” rather than talent who are only strong on skills and experience. When asked about how to detect an informed candidate, he said it all came down to “instant enthusiasm” a person has about the company and its mission.

And the new “window of transparency” opened by Glassdoor has meant informed candidates have loads of job choices, and are now selecting employers, rather than the other way around. It’s also changed the way Colt attracts top talent. For the first time, quality candidates are applying directly to the company for potential opportunities.

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Lastly, we heard from Oscar Munoz on livestream…

A Turnaround Toward Compassion: United CEO Oscar Munoz

How does a company improve its Glassdoor rating from 3.3 to 3.9 in less than 18 months, while weathering a major PR disaster? It’s abundantly clear when we had the privilege of watching United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz speak to Glassdoor CEO Robert Hohman.

The company demonstrated its commitment to its principles by sending multiple relief flights to Houston after the devastating Tropical Storm Harvey, raising $2.9 million for disaster relief with a Crowdrise campaign, and supporting relief for victims of Hurricane Irma. Munoz, the #18 CEO on Glassdoor’s Highest Rated CEOs list, made a personal donation of $1 million to relief efforts from the storms.

All these actions are a natural extension of Munoz’ commitment to being a compassionate CEO. Just a month after taking the helm at United in October 2015, Munoz suffered a heart attack. A few months later, on the day of an executive strategy meeting (and his birthday), Munoz went in for a heart transplant. The team had decided that the company would focus on its employees. “We needed to regain the trust in our employees before we could do anything else,” he told Hohman. From a Wall Street perspective, this focus on principles ahead of profits may have sounded counterintuitive, but it worked.

“It’s really simple,” said Munoz. “Listen, learn, lead,” are the secrets to his approach. “It’s easy to think you know what’s wrong and then go fix it,” he said. Using an analogy, he continued, “you don’t need to be giving people an oil change when they need new tires.” Visiting with employees at every level of the organisation, saying thank you, and reading employee letters and commentary gives him the learning he needs to lead the company in a more heartfelt direction. In less than two years, this approach has proven to serve employees and customers – and by extension, shareholders.

The company weathered the storm of April’s passenger removal incident by owning up to its part. “As a leader, your people cannot see you giving up on your principles and blaming someone else,” he said. Munoz’ compassionate approach is a true demonstration of how to “provide proof, not promises” as an executive and leader of more than 90,000 employees. With an “ability to make everyone feel like someone,” Munoz is a true demonstration of what it means to be a transparent CEO.

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If you attended the Glassdoor Recruit Screening or want to learn more, use #gdrecruit on Twitter to share your experience.

1) Glassdoor, Informed Candidate Survey, August 2017

The post Glassdoor Recruit Screening 2017 Roundup appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

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