warrant further investigation - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

The investigation panel was of the opinion that there was

[...] no evidence to warrant further investigation.


調查小組 認為,並無據顯示有需 調查。


She concluded reasons for gender differences in ventricular arrhythmias and


potential differences in the impact of device therapy on outcome are

[...] currently unclear and warrant further investigation.


她的结论是,室性心律失常的性别差异及器械疗法对治疗结果的影响的潜在差别这两方面的原因目前尚不清楚, 进一 步研


Although these internal WFP procedures fall beyond the scope of the Monitoring Group’s mandate,


they create an environment conducive to large-scale diversion of

[...] food aid and warrant further, independent investigation.


虽然粮食计划署的这些内部程序不在监察组的任务 范围之内,但它们造成了助长大规模挪用粮食援助行为的环境,应对此 进一 的独查。


However, assistance has been and continues


to be provided to the prosecutors in

[...] the region in further investigation and prosecution [...]

in relation to these files/dossiers.


但是一直在协助并将继续协助该区域法官就文件/档案材料进 调查和提出起诉


However, should we identify cases or incidents which warrant further studies, detailed studies will certainly be conducted in this regard.


不過,如果我們真的發現有任何個案或任何的事例, 令我們要多做一些研究的話,我們是一定會做這方面的詳細研究。


Further investigation of the lines [...]

of inquiry identified is now under way, marking the beginning of a new phase in this work.


对已选定的起草 思斟酌酿, 标志着起草工作已进入新的阶段,这种深入思考正在进行之中。


While the transport power module is being developed,


possible new issues relating to the safe use of NPS in space are being examined and

[...] identified for further investigation.


在开发运输动力舱的同时,还在研审和查明可能与空间核动力源安全使用有关 的新问题,进行进步调研


If the Commission finds after an investigation that the circ*mstances warrant further action, it will direct [...]

the Administrator


to serve upon the judge concerned a Formal Written Complaint containing specific charges of misconduct.


20.10 委員調,如 認為投訴個案情況值 得採步行 動,員會 會 指 示政務長 將正式投訴書 送達有關法官,投訴書 將 列 明 其不檢 行為的具體指控。


Pursuant to the Listing Rules, an Independent Board Committee (consisting of all the independent non-executive Directors of the Company who have no direct or indirect interest in the Datang Further Subscription and the Further Special Mandate, other than, where applicable, being a Shareholder of the Company) has been established to advise the Independent Shareholders as to whether


the respective terms

[...] of the Datang Further Subscription Agreement, the Datang Warrant Agreement and the Further Special Mandate are fair and reasonable, whether the entering into of the Datang Further Subscription Agreement, Datang Warrant Agreement and [...]

the proposal for the


grant of the Further Special Mandate are in the interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole and to advise the Independent Shareholders on how to vote, taking into account the recommendations of Guangdong Securities.


根據上市規則,獨立董事委員會(由本公司全體獨立非執行董事組成,除(如適用)作為 本公司股東外,彼等於大唐額外認購事項及額外特別授權中並無直接或間接權益)已經成 立,以就唐額外認購協 議、大唐認股 權證協 及額 外特 權各 自的 條款是否公平合理、 訂立大唐額外認購協議、大唐認 股權證協 議及 建議授出額外特別授權是否符合本公司及股 東的整體利益向獨立股東提供建議,並在經考慮粵海證券的推薦意見後就如何投票向獨立 股東提供建議。


(c) the work of the Commission and the Ombudsman might not be directly comparable, as the latter handled administrative complaints relating to Government departments or public bodies which would be obliged to provide the information on request, whereas the Commission


would need more enforcement powers such

[...] as entry of premises for search on warrant to ensure effective investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct [...]

of undertakings in all sectors.


(c) 競委會和申訴專員的工作可能難以作直接

[...] 比較,因後者負責處理有關政府部門或公共 機構的行政事務的申訴,該等部門和公共機 構必須提供申訴專員要求索取的資料,但競 委會卻需要更大的執法力, 例如憑手令進 入及查處所的權力,以確該會 能就 各行 各業的業務實體的懷疑反競爭行為作出有調查。


It is considered that for those disclosure


obligations a breach of which is not

[...] serious enough to warrant SFC’s investigation, they should be [...]

left to the SEHK to administer and enforce.


意見書認 為,就某 些

[...] 披露資 料 要求,違規行為的嚴 重程度不足以成 為證監會作 出 調查的理,因該等要求應 交 由聯交所實施和執行。


As the above points

[...] mentioned still warrant further study and as [...]

certain members of the banking sector are very concerned


about the situation after the abolition of the interest rate agreement next July, therefore, taking a prudent approach to the content of the original motion and the amendment, I think in the absence of sufficient consultation and thorough study into the issues involved, today is not the best time for me to cast my vote to demand that the system be put into practice expeditiously.


基 於 以上各 點問題仍須努力探討,也 鑒於部分 業 界 人士反 映 對 明 年 7 [...]

月 完 全 解除利 率 協 議 後 的 情況甚 表 關 注 , 因此, 從 審 慎 角 度來看 , 對於原議 案 與 修 正 案 的內容,本人覺 得 在


未有足 夠 諮 詢及完整探討的 情況下 , 今天並非 本人投 票 表 決 盡 快落實該制 度的適當時機。


On items (g) and (h) of the motion which respectively propose increasing the accountable allowance for DC members to $20,000 and granting DC members a one-off accountable allowance of $50,000


for setting up their

[...] offices, I think these figures warrant further consideration. It is more appropriate [...]

for the Government


to appoint an independent committee to make recommendations on related matters, and there is already a precedent set by the Legislative Council.


對於議 案 的第(七 )及 第 (八 )項建議,即 將區議員的實 報 實 銷 津 貼 提


高 至 2 萬元, 以及為區 議員提供一次 過 5

[...] 萬元的 實 報 實 銷 開 設辦事 處 津 貼 , 本為這些具體 數 字還有待 研由政委任 一個獨 立 委 員會作出建議會較 為適當, [...]

在這方 面 ,立法會是有先例的。


All these issues warrant further consideration.


種種問題, 我們均要再作考慮。


In order to determine whether such a trend is actually


the result of a breach of

[...] human rights obligations, further investigation and analysis is required, [...]

including through judicial or quasi-judicial review.


要确定这种现象是否的确因违反国际人权义务造 成,需要进一步调查分析, 包括进行司法或准司


Save for this, none of the other requests of the

[...] Prosecutor for further investigation or appropriate [...]

action against Félicien Kabuga’s


assets has been complied with.


除此之外,检察官有 关对 Félicien Kabuga 的资产采进一步调查或当行 动的其他要求都没有得到 落实。


He is bound to continue with an investigation even if he discovers that the complaint was not made in good faith (section 39(2)(c) refusal ground) or that the party complained against has already taken remedial


action and the dispute considered

[...] resolved and hence further investigation is considered [...]

unnecessary (section 39(2)(d) refusal ground).


他必須繼續調查,即使他發現投訴不是本著真誠提出(第 39(2)(c)條的拒

[...] 絕理由)或被投訴者已經採取補救措施及糾紛已經解決 步調不必要的(第 39(2)(d)條的拒絕理由)。


For the other case, further investigation could not be made as the complainant was not able to provide details of the agency [...]



至於另一個案,因投訴人未能提 供有關職業介紹所的名稱及其他資料,勞工處未能作出跟 進。


If they are not, a further investigation will be carried [...]

out to ascertain whether in the event of returning to their state


of origin the asylum seeker will be tortured, subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and whether a threat of violating their human rights and fundamental freedoms or a threat to their life, health, security or freedom due to prevalent violence which is caused by a military conflict or which provides conditions for systematic violations of human rights may occur.


如果不是,就将开展进一的调查, 定寻 求庇 护者在 返回原籍国后是否将遭受酷刑、受到残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚,以 [...]

及是否会因军事冲突造成的或为系统的侵犯人权行为提供条件的暴力行为猖獗的 现象而可能产生侵犯他们的人权和基本自由或危及他们的生命、健康、安全或自 由的行为。


The presumption of innocence, which applies to the accused members of the security forces, must prevail


over an accusation for which there is not the slightest evidence

[...] to justify any further investigation of the allegations.


对于没有任何证据证明需要进一步调查的指控,必须奉行无罪推定原则,该 原则也适用于全部队的 被指控成员”。


(b) the Director-General of Security is


satisfied that the

[...] facts of the case under investigation would justify the issue of a warrant by the Attorney-General, [...]

and that waiting


for the Attorney-General's decision on the issue of a warrant will, or is likely to, seriously prejudice national security.


(b) 保安事務長信調個案事實 有充分理據支持總 檢察長發出令,而要 等待總檢察長決定是否發出手 令,將會或相當可能會嚴重損害國家安全。


Following testimonies of Mr. Pavlov and other witnesses, including sports coaches, who


confirmed his presence at the competition, the court returned the case to the

[...] prosecutor’s office for further investigation.


先生和确认他参加了那场比赛的包括教练在内的目击证人提供 证词后,法庭将案子退回检察 进一 调查。


However, the Commission would need more enforcement powers such as entry of premises for search on warrant to ensure effective investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct of undertakings in all sectors.


政府當局進一步表示,競委會與申訴專員的工作可能難以作 直接比較,因後者負責處理有關政府部門或公共機構的行政事務的 申訴,該等部門和公共機構必須提供申訴專員要求索取的資料,但 競委會卻需要更大的執法權力,例如憑手令進入及搜查處所的權 力,以確保該會能就各行各業的業務實體的懷疑反競爭行為作出有調查。


The FAO secretariat, in its contribution, stated that the elaboration of a new legal regime might warrant further study owing to the fact that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea [...]

was focused on fisheries.


粮农组织秘书处在其提交的资料中表 示,由于《海洋法公约》重点关注渔业问题,因此要制定新的法律机制,就需要 进一步开展研究。


Under proposed new section 8, inspectors will

[...] have powers of investigation and, on obtaining a magistrates warrant, will be able [...]

to enter and search


premises and take possession of property for purposes of a prosecution.


根據建議的新的第 8 條,督察會有權力進調查,並在取 得裁判官出的 手令後,能夠進入和搜查處所及為進行檢控而管有財產。


While this biannual forum for high-level discussions could not realistically cover all issues of


importance, the usefulness and feasibility of

[...] other mechanisms warrant further study in order [...]

to strengthen coordinated responses to


more operational and short-term issues or challenges.


虽然这个一年两次的高级别论坛实际上不可能涵盖所有的重要问题,但其他 各种机制是有用而可行的,应当进 步研 以便 加强协调一致的对策,来应付 更多业务上的和短期的问题或挑战。


I think that currently we have no plans to initiate the conduct of a study covering such a wide scope, but I have made an undertaking


just now that if we find problems or other

[...] scientific grounds that warrant further studies, we will [...]

be happy to follow up.


我相 信我們現時並沒有打算主動就如此廣泛的範圍進行研究,但我剛才已承 諾,如果我們發現有問題或有其他科學根據, 們要 步研是樂意跟進的。


More importantly, if the assertion that the two Municipal Councils have policy-making powers is substantiated, its compliance with the


provisions on political structure in the

[...] Basic Law does warrant further discussion because [...]

Article 62 of the Basic Law provides


that the executive authorities of the SAR shall be responsible for the formulation and implementation of policies.


更 重要的 是 , 如果 有關政 策決定權這一說 法 真 的成立,它 如 何 能 夠配合 《 基本法》中

[...] 有關政 治 體 制的規定,也 是值得,因 為 《 基本法》第六 十二條規定是 [...]

由 特 區行政 機關負 責 制 訂和執 行 政 策 的 。


Issues related to the

[...] ownership of credits warrant further study, in particular [...]

with respect to potential proprietary rights


that could accrue, at least in part, to the Multilateral Fund in a form to be determined at a later stage.


与碳信用所有权有关的问题 得进步研,特别是 潜在的专利权问题,多边基金的专利权将增加,至少是部分增加, [...]



In dealing with the recent large-scale outbreak of SARS, the DH retrieves online real time patient data from the eSARS system developed in the HA and, working in collaboration with the police, makes use of the Police's Major Incident Investigation and Disaster Support System (MIIDSS)


for contact tracing and to provide early alert of

[...] potential clusters of SARS which warrant intervention and investigation.


在 SARS 大 規 模爆發 期 間 , 生 署 利 用 醫 管 局


研 發的綜 合症電子臨床資 訊 系統中取得病 人的即 時 資料,並 與警方攜 手 合 作 ,利用

[...] 警方的 重 大 事件調 查 及 災 難 支 援 工 作 系統, 確 定 有 可 能 、有 需 要 介 入調 組。


warrant further investigation - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)


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