Most Hated Cloud Characters (2024)

1. Final Fantasy 7: The 5 Characters Who Hate Cloud The Most

  • 27 jun 2024 · Final Fantasy 7: 5 Characters Who Hate Cloud The Most · 5 Don Corneo · 4 Palmer · 3 The Turks · 2 President Shinra · 1 Sephiroth.

  • Cloud Strife foils the plans of a lot of powerful figures, causing them to develop a deeply-personal hatred for the hero of Final Fantasy 7.

Final Fantasy 7: The 5 Characters Who Hate Cloud The Most

2. Final Fantasy Protagonists, Ranked From Least To Most Annoying

  • 16 feb 2021 · There's no arguing that Cloud has had a lasting impact on fans and JRPGs in general, but his attitude makes him pretty annoying in FF7 - ...

  • Every Final Fantasy protagonists, ranked.

Final Fantasy Protagonists, Ranked From Least To Most Annoying

3. In Defense of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII

In Defense of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII

4. So who else hates Cloud Strife? - Final Fantasy Forums

  • 16 okt 2007 · 1) No Cloud defending · 2) You may or may not hate Tifa · 3) You may or may not hate Aerith · 4) You may not hate Yuffie! · 5) You may debate :P · 6) ...

  • Well I don't really hate him that much, but I get sick everytime I see him. He gets too much screen action, thanx to SE for making other VII games for those other characters who deserve better. Cloud being the main character is stupid. He acts like emo but he isn't. He acts cool but he isn't. He...

5. Skyrim Players Discuss The Game's “Most Hated Character” - TheGamer

Skyrim Players Discuss The Game's “Most Hated Character” - TheGamer

6. Most Hated Fictional Characters Ever | Geeks - Vocal Media

  • The reason fans hate Scrappy is because he would charge into battle, throwing himself into danger, and never accomplish anything. If this character did cool ...

  • In many forms of entertainment, fans put up with the most hated fictional characters ever in order to enjoy the characters they love!

Most Hated Fictional Characters Ever | Geeks - Vocal Media

7. Most Hated RPG Character? - General Discussion - Giant Bomb

  • Squall is up there for me, I was surprised Square would make a main character who was such a dick. 15 years ago. #6 HiroSeven. Reaver from Fable ...

  • Which character in an RPG did you have the most disdain for? I'd say for me its a toss-up between Vaan from Final Fantasy XII and a smorgasbord of cha

Most Hated RPG Character? - General Discussion - Giant Bomb

8. Final Fantasy: 6 Protagonists Who Are Stronger Than Cloud, Ranked

  • 27 jun 2024 · Cecil has quite a bit in common with Cloud. They're two of the most angsty characters in the Final Fantasy series and soldiers with troubled ...

  • Cloud might be the poster boy for the Final Fantasy series but that doesn't mean he's the strongest protagonist in the franchise.

Final Fantasy: 6 Protagonists Who Are Stronger Than Cloud, Ranked
Most Hated Cloud Characters (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.