FODMAP Diet: What to order at Mexican Restaurants IBS Health Coaching and FODMAP Diet Recipes | Calm Belly Kitchen (2024)

The question I get asked most about the FODMAP Diet is "How do I cook with no onion or garlic?" (answer's right here!)

The second most asked question is, "What about eating at restaurants?"

I have to agree, it can seem like a dilemma. And even though eating out is challenging, you can make it work.

In this post I'lll answer: "What can you order at a Mexican restaurant on the low-FODMAP diet?"

> One hugely important side note: Going to restaurants is soooo different after you've learned your FODMAP triggers.

Just think how hard it is to avoid ALL the oligos (wheat, onions, garlic, beans, etc.) at a Mexican restaurant. If you learn that your body can tolerate moderate amounts of onion and garlic, suddenly you're like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz:

Your food options just went from black and white to technicolor.

But even if you’re just starting and eliminating as many high-FODMAP foods as possible, you can still go to restaurants and enjoy more than a bowl of lettuce.

What can you order at a Mexican restaurant on the low-FODMAP diet?

Below, you can read a quick summary of good menu options, but if you want to learn more about why these are your best bets and how to approach restaurant menus in general, I highly recommend watching the video!

Like this? Check out the other posts in my Eating Out Series:

FODMAP Diet: Tips for Eating at Restaurants

Italian Restaurants

Chinese Restaurants

American Restaurants

How to Eat Out on FODMAP: Mexican Restaurants

In the video and in this summary, I start off with the best options if you’re eliminating as many high-FODMAP foods as possible, then I progress to options you’ll have when you learn your personal IBS triggers and have more flexibility in your food choices.

Corn Tortillas

Order anything with corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas - They’re low-FODMAP and gluten-free
Example: Quesadilla with cheese and/or chicken

Avocado - Ask for sliced avocado in place of guacamole (about 20g is a low-FODMAP serving)

Salsa - If they have pico de gallo, which is a fresh tomato salsa with onion, you can ask for plain chopped tomatoes and even cilantro on the side


  • Like tortillas, plain corn chips are a great choice

  • Order nachos without beans (add chicken or other meat) and get chopped tomatoes and sliced avocado with it

Mexican Rice

  • Ask how they make it; it may have onions or not

  • It’s likely made with sofrito or adobo which are seasoning pastes with onion, but that will be a very small amount

  • Does the restaurant have a kids menu? That might include plain rice...or just ask

Most cheeses are low in lactose, which means low-FODMAP

  • Typically queso fresco has zero grams of sugar so it’s lactose free or virtually lactose free

  • Hard cheeses like monterey jack and cheddar which are often used together in Mexican dishes are also typically low-FODMAP

  • Chile con queso (cheese dip) is usually just cheese and chiles, so ask about ingredients, but this could be a good appetizer option to share

Taco Salad

  • Even if it’s not on the menu, they’re likely used to people who want to eat healthy/low-carb

  • Get lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, bell peppers, tortilla chips, chicken, shrimp, or steak; use oil and lime juice as your dressing

Flautas (or taquitos) - Fried corn tortillas filled with shredded meat; fried foods are okay in moderation AND if you keep your overall amount of food moderate - Eating large quantities in general, low-FODMAP or not, is one of the biggest causeses of symptoms

Fish Tacos - Get grilled fish if possible; but even if it’s breaded with white flour that’s okay because a small amount of wheat is okay on the low-FODMAP diet

Slow-Cooked and Marinated Meats

  • Carnitas, Barbacoa, Cochinita Pibil are all slow cooked with aromatics like onions

  • Carnitas are your best bet because the meat is slow cooked in fat rather than water (FODMAPs are not soluble in fat) and the aromatics are removed

  • Smoked or roasted meats are great choices because they’re not cooked in a liquid

  • Fajita meat like chicken and steak are likely seasoned or marinated, but they’re cooked to order so ask for unseasoned meat

Tamales - Depending on the filling, these are a good option

Want to make fabulous low-FODMAP Mexican food at home?

Check these recipes on Calm Belly Kitchen:

Huevos Rancheros with low-FODMAP refried beans

Low-FODMAP Salsa and Mexican Rice

One-Pan Cheesy Mexican Rice with Ground Beef

FODMAP Diet: What to order at Mexican Restaurants IBS Health Coaching and FODMAP Diet Recipes | Calm Belly Kitchen (2024)


What Mexican food can you eat with IBS? ›

#lowfodmap options to try:
  • Beef or chicken tacos (corn) with lettuce, cheese and. some hot sauce if you choose (ask for NO salsa and. ...
  • Corn fajitas with beef or chicken (no onion or garlic)
  • Nachos (no salsa, no refried beans and no. ...
  • Taco salad with beef or chicken (in a regular bowl), ...
  • Flan.
Jan 8, 2015

What is good restaurant food for IBS? ›

Grilled meat and poultry, polenta and steamed vegetables are also good choices. If you choose a pizza, be sure to ask for a gluten-free crust (and verify that it is also low-FODMAP) with tomato sauce and low FODMAP toppings of your choice. Make sure that the chef doesn't add garlic or onion to the sauce.

Can people with IBS eat tacos? ›

* Many meat-based recipes such as tacos, sloppy joes, chili, etc. can be easily adapted to IBS guidelines by substituting TVP (textured vegetable protein, a soy food available in health food stores) for the ground beef. Simply eliminate the cooking oil and season the TVP as you would the meat.

What can you eat unlimited on FODMAP? ›

FODMAP “Free” Foods List
  • Alfalfa.
  • Arugula.
  • Bamboo shoots (fresh/canned)
  • Beansprouts.
  • Bell Peppers (red)
  • Capsicum (red)
  • Carrots.
  • Choy sum.
May 5, 2024

What can I eat at a Mexican restaurant that won't upset my stomach? ›

Choose grilled over fried.
  • Trade deep-fried, carb-loaded hard shells for smaller, whole wheat soft shells.
  • Replace fried beef or pork (carnitas) with grilled fish or chicken breast.
  • Quesadillas are tortillas filled with meat and cheese, then fried. ...
  • Think about chicken or beef enchiladas with red sauce or salsa.
Jan 3, 2015

What is the Mexican food with stomach? ›

Menudo, also known as Mondongo, pancita ([little] gut or [little] stomach) or mole de panza ("stomach sauce"), is a traditional Mexican soup, made with cow's stomach (tripe) in broth with a red chili pepper base.

What food calms an IBS flare-up? ›

Foods to include during an IBS-D flare
  • Lean protein. Include lean meats, eggs, and fish to ensure adequate protein intake during an IBS flare. ...
  • Fruits. Berries and other fruits with seeds are harder to digest. ...
  • Vegetables. Fresh vegetables are a mainstay in a balanced diet. ...
  • Grains. ...
  • Dairy.

What is a good IBS menu? ›

The best foods for IBS depend on your individual symptoms and needs. In general, you may benefit from adding to your diet foods like berries, oatmeal, gluten-free options, lean meats, low fat dairy products, and stevia. Possible diets for IBS include low fat, gluten free, and low FODMAP.

How do I order out with IBS? ›

Be clear about your needs and restrictions: speaking up, even if it's awkward to do so, can help you avoid an IBS flare. Avoid ordering foods that can exacerbate your symptoms, such as gassy and spicy foods, deep-fried dishes, and buttery dishes.

Can I eat fajitas with IBS? ›

Are fajitas low FODMAP? Although delicious, classic fajita recipes usually feature high FODMAP ingredients like onion and garlic and are therefore not recommended when following the low FODMAP diet for IBS.

What meat is OK to eat with IBS? ›

Avoid sausage, bacon, pepperoni, salami, and marbled cuts of meat. Examples of lean meats you should add to your diet if you have IBS include white-meat chicken, white-meat turkey, and cuts of beef like sirloin and top round. Your doctor or nutritionist may also recommend eating pork, veal, duck, and fish.

Are tortillas OK with IBS? ›

Okay to eat: Foods made from grains like arrowroot, buckwheat, cornmeal, millet, and oats. You can also eat potato flour, quinoa, rice, sorghum, tapioca, and teff. Cereals, pasta, breads, corn tortillas and baked goods made from these grains are also okay.

What foods are surprisingly low FODMAP? ›

Dr. Rachel's Top 10 Favorite Low-FODMAP Food & Snacks
  • Chicken and Turkey. ...
  • Fresh Low-FODMAP Fruit. ...
  • Carrots. ...
  • Low-FODMAP Energy Bars. ...
  • Peanuts, and other Low-FODMAP Nuts. ...
  • Grains: Oats, Rice, Quinoa. ...
  • Low-FODMAP Yogurt with Fruit and/or Granola. ...
  • Canned and Fresh Fish.
Apr 10, 2020

Can I eat salad on a fodmap diet? ›

Lettuce is made up almost exclusively of insoluble fiber. Therefore, it's considered a low FODMAP food — and a good alternative to high FODMAP vegetables, such as artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, beets, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus ( 3 ).

Can I eat tortillas if I have IBS? ›

Okay to eat: Foods made from grains like arrowroot, buckwheat, cornmeal, millet, and oats. You can also eat potato flour, quinoa, rice, sorghum, tapioca, and teff. Cereals, pasta, breads, corn tortillas and baked goods made from these grains are also okay.

Is salsa OK to eat with IBS? ›

Can I Eat Salsa with IBS? Yes, in moderation. Although spicy food can sometimes exacerbate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), there are ways to manage these symptoms—and avoiding other IBS triggers like alcohol and fried foods may allow you to enjoy salsa in moderation.

Are refried beans OK for IBS? ›

Beans, lentils, and peas are generally a great source of protein and fiber, but they can cause IBS symptoms. They contain compounds called oligosaccharides that are resistant to digestion by intestinal enzymes. While beans can increase bulk in stool to help constipation, they also increase IBS symptoms.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.