Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (2024)

Although Polish sauerkraut pierogi recipe is being used all year round, it’s definitely getting popular during Christmas time. For many families, dumplings with sauerkraut are the most important dish on Christmas Eve’s table.

The main reason why is that it is vegetarian food. Traditionally, you are not supposed to eat meat on December, 24th.

Pierogi with sauerkraut and pierogi ruskie are two main dishes served during Wieczerza Wigilijna. Keep on reading to discover my grandma’s authentic sauerkraut pierogi recipe!

Tips For Cooking Pierogi With Sauerkraut

Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (1)

1. Skip mushrooms if you don’t have (or don’t like) them.

Although adding dried mushrooms is the typical way of making the sauerkraut pierogi filling, you may easily skip them.

Eating mushrooms is not recommended for kids or people with digestive problems, so this ingredient is not necessary.

2. Be sure to cook sauerkraut pierogi in boiling hot water!

Otherwise, they will fall apart. Putting them in the cold water is the biggest mistake you can make.

3. When cooked, don’t put pierogi too close together.

After pierogi are cooked and ready, you can either:

  • put the butter on top of them and eat them
  • carefully put them one by one on a plate/cutting board

If they will be too close, they will stick together. Wait until they cool off, then put them into the bowl. Pour the melted butter on them, then shake gently. Now, they can be either stored in the fridge or freezer.

Best Add-ons For Pierogi With Sauerkraut

Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (2)

Melted butter

As simple as that. It’s one of the most popular ways of having sauerkraut pierogi.

Fried onion

Pierogi taste delicious with carmelized or fried onion.

Skwarki (greaves)

It’s basically what’s left from making homemade lard.

Maggi seasoning sauce

Some people in Poland like having pierogi with the Maggi sauce.

How To Serve Sauerkraut Pierogi?

Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (3)

Serve them right after cooking, when they are warm, with the add-ons of your choice.

Alternatively, you can fry them with butter until they are crispy, with the brownish color.

Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe

Yield: 8 servings

Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe

Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (4)

Although Polish sauerkraut pierogi recipe is being used all year round, it's definitely getting popular during Christmas time. For many families, dumplings with sauerkraut are the most important dish on Christmas Eve's table.

The main reason why is that it is vegetarian food. Traditionally, you are not supposed to eat meat on December, 24th.


Dough for sauerkraut pierogi

  • 5 cups (600g) of all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1cups of warm water
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 4-5 tablespoons of oil

Sauerkraut filling

  • 2 lbs of sauerkraut
  • 1 big or 2 small onions
  • 3 oz of dried mushrooms (optionally)
  • salt, pepper, oil


How To Make Dough For Pierogi With Sauerkraut?

  1. Put flour, egg, oil, and salt into the bowl. Whisk it together with hand or dough hook attachment.
  2. Start adding the water slowly, letting it incorporate before adding more.
  3. Whisk until all the ingredients are incorporated and there are no lumps.

How To Make Sauerkraut Filling?

  1. If you decided to add dried mushrooms, wash them carefully, then cover them with cold water and leave for at least a few hours (ideally overnight).
  2. In the morning, drain the mushrooms and cook them until soft.
  3. Drain the sauerkraut by squeezing it carefully. Then chop it finely. Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (5)
  4. Boil the sauerkraut in water until it's soft (it will take about 1 hour). Next, drain it again. Make sure there is no water left.
  5. In the meantime, finely chop an onion and mushrooms. Fry them with a bit of butter (or oil) on low heat, until they are soft.
  6. Mix all the ingredients for the filling together, season with salt and pepper.

How To Mold Sauerkraut Pierogi?

  1. Divide the dough into the 2 or 3 pieces.
  2. Thinly roll each piece out onto a floured surface to just under 1/16 - 1/8” thickness.
  3. Use a round cookie cutter to cut the circles from the dough.
  4. Put the sauerkraut filling in the center of each circle. The more filling, the better, however, you need to be sure it stays inside pierogi. When the filling will get between the dough when sealing, pierogi may fall apart during the cooking.
  5. Pull the edges of each circle together to form pierogi. Make sure the seal is continuous and intact. You can't leave any free space, as pierogi will fall apart during the cooking. Pinch tightly. Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (6)
  6. Collect the remaining dough scraps and put them to the other 2 dough pieces. Repeat the process until the entire dough and all the filling is used.

How To Cook Pierogi With Sauerkraut?

  1. Pour the water into the big pot. Add 2 pinches of salt. Boil.
  2. Gently throw pierogi, one by one into the boiling water.
  3. When they start floating, wait for a minute and take them out with the slotted spoon.
  4. Pour the melted butter or lard on top.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 333Total Fat: 12gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 10gCholesterol: 23mgSodium: 869mgCarbohydrates: 50gFiber: 6gSugar: 3gProtein: 8g

These data are indicative and calculated by Nutritionix

See also my other recipes for pierogi!

  • pierogi with spinach
  • pierogi with meat
  • pierogi with strawberries
  • pierogi ruskie
  • pierogi with blueberries
  • pierogi with cherries
  • pierogi with sweet cheese
  • pierogi with poppy seeds

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Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (19)

Did you like this Polish pierogi with sauerkraut recipe? Let us know in the comments below!

13 Responses

  1. Sigh, I just know you are about to cringe and may not even answer, but I have a question to ask. If I were to purchase ready made dough from the local store, which would be closest to real pierogi dough? Pizza dough, pie crust dough or even wonton ready made rounds?
    Thank you for even considering this.



    1. None would be the real pierogi dough but wonton ready made rounds would be the closest.


  2. 1 egg to 5 cups of flour? Isn’t that too few?


    1. In fact, you don’t have to add egg at all, it’s optional 🙂


  3. My Momma used to make chicken soup with chicken feet. Do you have a recipe for that .


    1. I do!
      Here it is. You may add chicken feet as well:


  4. I haven’t made your dough yet but I am wondering if it can be rolled out in a pasta roller attachment for my stand mixer or if it would be too sticky for that?


    1. You can use the pasta roller, the pierogi dough is not sticky.


  5. For my dough recipe I use 2/3 cup warm water, 1 room temp egg, 3 cups flour, 1/4 cup sour cream, 3/4 teaspoon salt. Throw it in your bread machine if you have one and put it on dough setting. I’ve been making pierogi for about 50 years now and this dough recipe is very good.


  6. A tip for freezing pierogi is place them one layer on a baking pan and freeze for about a half hour. Then you can just put them in a ziplock bag and throw in the freezer. They won’t stick to each other. Also, I never cook my sauerkraut. I tried following a recipe last year and did boil the sauerkraut. Came out flavorless. I like the tartness of sauerkraut. I also add sauteed onions and a bit of sour cream to the filling. Important to drain and rinse the sauerkraut well, and then squeeze the water out really hard. I also mince the sauerkraut. I’ve been making them for 50 years, learning from my mother that made the best pierogi in the world.


    1. Thanks for your comment! I freeze pierogi the same way.
      When it comes to the filling, that depends how sour is your sauerkraut. Kapusta kiszona in Poland is usually really sour and salty, so you need to cook it first.


  7. I remember having pierogi with the potato and sauerkraut mixed together. Arter cooking them they were browned in butter. How much sauerkraut can I add to


    1. That’s not a traditional way of making pierogi- it’s either sauerkraut or potato. If you want to mix it, I will make it 50/50.


Authentic Polish Sauerkraut Pierogi Recipe That Tastes Like Christmas! (2024)


What is the Christmas tradition of pierogies? ›

Poland's Christmas Eve/Wigilia tradition wouldn't be complete without the world-famous pierogi! The half-circular Polish dumplings make an appearance on Wigilia tables in every Polish household and for many, they are the favorite of the 12 courses served during the traditional dinner.

What is the most popular pierogi in Poland? ›

Pierogi ruskie, which are stuffed with a mixture of potatoes and quark cheese, are one of the most popular varieties of pierogi nowadays. The name, which is commonly translated as 'Russian dumplings', misleads foreigners and Poles alike. The dish doesn't have any Russian origins at all.

What is the most traditional pierogi? ›

The most famous is the Biłgoraj pierogi stuffed with buckwheat, potatoes, and cheese and then baked in the oven. Pierogi are an important part of Polish festive seasons, particularly Christmas Eve (Wigilia supper) and Christmastide.

Are perogies Polish or Ukrainian? ›

The perogy has roots in Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Ukraine, with slight differences between each country on the names and fillings. Ukrainian perogies, known as varenyky, can be stuffed with sweet or savoury fillings.

How are pierogies served in Poland? ›

In Poland, the most traditional way of eating pierogi is boiled and served with melted butter and fried onions. However, they can also be served with sour cream or bacon bits. Ketchup and tomato sauce are not traditional toppings, but they can be used as well.

What do Polish people eat with perogies? ›

The most popular toppings for pierogi include skwarki (crunchy golden-brown nuggets of fried pork fatback), sauteed onions, and just melted butter for savory pierogi and sweetened cream for sweet pierogi. I've actually never seen anyone from my family/friends serve anything else with pierogi.

What is the national dish of Poland? ›

Bigos stew is the national dish of Poland. It can be made with any kind of meat from pork to rabbit or venison, but should always have spicy Polish sausage.

What is an Amish pierogi? ›

Amish Perogies - traditional real cheese & potato. dumplings served with house-made sweet chili sour. cream.

What is the difference between perogies and pierogies? ›

Also called perogi or perogy, Polish pierogi (pronounced pih-ROH-ghee) or homemade pierogies are small half-moon dumplings. They're also chock-full of fabulous fillings. Interestingly, the word pierogi is actually plural. But the singular form pieróg is hardly ever used.

Are pierogies traditionally boiled or fried? ›

Boiling Pierogi is the most popular method of cooking Pierogi because it adds no additional calories to your meal. It also offers a soft, delicate texture which is the more traditional way of eating Polish pierogi.

What meat dish goes with perogies? ›

  • There are so many options. You can use perogies as a side dish as well.
  • You can serve any kind of smoked sausage/kielbasa or cheese filled smokies.
  • bacon and sour cream.
  • italian style sausage.
  • Sliced tomatoes.
  • Mushrooms in gravy or cream sauce.
  • They go well with battered, fried pickerel.
Aug 21, 2015

What do Ukrainians call pierogies? ›

Ukrainian Varynyky (Pierogi)

How many perogies per person? ›

Melt a tablespoon of butter in a pan on medium heat, then fry up as many pierogies as you want. (Six per person is plenty.) Flip them every few minutes until they're browned on all sides. Serve with scallions and a dollop of sour cream.

What is the cultural significance of pierogi? ›

Pierogi are a symbol of ethnic pride in Polish diaspora communities and are the central feature of numerous festivals in the United States and Canada, including one held annually in Whiting, Indiana, near Chicago and its large Polish American population, and another held in Pittsburgh.

What is the most famous tradition when it comes to eating at Christmas? ›

Traditional Christmas dinner features turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and vegetables. Other types of poultry, roast beef, or ham, are also used.

How are pierogies traditionally served? ›

Traditionally pierogi are served with simple toppings: fried onions, lardons, melted butter, sour cream or pork rinds. These toppings may also be upgraded or replaced with more complicated sauces, as well as fresh herbs like parsley, chives, dill, mint, thyme, rosemary, tarragon or basil.


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